Marian Norohna

Aired May 4th, 2019 11:00AM iHeart Radio

Dr. Deborah and Jack are excited to welcome Marion Norohna, the Founder, Chairman, and President of TURBOCAM International. TURBOCAM is a global turbomachinery development and manufacturing company with a special mission, supporting Christian service to God and people. After receiving his Bachelor of Technology from Indian Institute of Technology, Marian moved to Montreal to attend McGill University, and then to Vermont after completing his graduate studies. He founded TURBOCAM in 1985 after two years in advanced CAD/CAM applications at Computervision, and many years of R&D in Wind Turbine Development and Energy Conservation. Today the company has offices in six countries and serves customers around the world. They have been granted multiple awards both for their excellence in their industry and for their social efforts.

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