Aired August 1st, 2020 11:00AM iHeart Radio
Effenus Henderson is an internationally recognized global diversity thought leader and has been invited by numerous companies and organizations to share his expertise. He has addressed members of the General Assembly of the United Nations on intercultural and interreligious diversity, and also addressed a high-level panel of the Alliance of Civilizations in Madrid, Spain in 2008, Istanbul Turkey in 2009 and in Doha, Qatar in 2011. In 2013, he was a speaker at the 2nd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue and Diversity in Baku, Azerbaijan which was sponsored by the UN, the government of Azerbaijan and UNESCO. He has also participated in a high-level dialogue sponsored by the High Commissioner on Human Rights in preparation for the 60th Anniversary Celebration of the Universal Declaration of human rights. He was part of a special panel on diversity at the VII Annual Inter-American Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility held in Punta del Este, Uruguay in December 2009. He continues to advise members of the United Nation’s Alliance of Civilization and Global Compact offices on emerging issues. Additionally, he has advised leaders of Club de Madrid’s Shared Societies Project on cross-cultural inclusion. He is co-chair of Society of Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) National Diversity and Inclusion Standards Taskforce. Effenus is President and CEO of HenderWorks, who provides advice and counsel in the development of human rights policies, social justice intervention, and intercultural collaboration and dialogue in emerging economies.