Matt Mayberry

Aired February 20th, 2021 11:00 am iHeart Radio | Matt Mayberry is a Decorated Air Force Veteran… Former NHGOP Vice Chair… Successful Businessman… Avid Community Volunteer… NH Human Rights Commissioner… Matt Mayberry is a very busy man.

Matt Mayberry proudly served his country in the US Air Force, joining right out of High School. He was awarded his squadron’s Airman of the getting ambien online Year Award for his handling of an in-flight emergency and the contributions he made to the community of Charleston South Carolina. Since retiring from the Air Force, Matt has become an active community volunteer in his Hometown of Dover, NH, particularly within NH’s Veteran community.  A life-long Republican, Matt is a former vice chair of the NHGOP. In 2016, Matt chaired an RNC initiative to identify and mobilize over 10,000 NH veterans to vote. He was selected as an alternate delegate to the national RNC conventions of Senator John McCain and again in 2016 and 2020 for President Donald Trump.  Matt is a 2 time winner of the Norris Cotton Republican of the Year Award in Strafford County. He is a former 3-term Dover City Councilor and Dover School Board Member. In 2018, he was named Chairman of the klonopin generic New Hampshire Human Rights Commission by Governor Chris Sununu.

Matt currently spends a good part of his time giving back through volunteer opportunities, to name just a few:  delivering COVID vaccines to low income seniors in Dover NH;  delivered thousands of meals through the Strafford County Meals on Wheels program; helping a Gold Star widow get new windows and gutters for her home; helping modafinil online a widow of a Vietnam Veteran with some major home repairs; helped get an Army veteran a new first floor bedroom and entrance ramps; helped raise over $10,000 to help Coast Guard families when the government was shut down; created Prayers for ambien online Prevention the first Sunday in May to ask churches to pray for suicide prevention (200+ NH churches participate); created Wreaths Across NH (1st year) placed 2,000 Christmas wreaths on the graves of veterans; when on Dover City Councilor, created the Dover Arts Commission; Fmr Chair of the NH Human Rights Commission; Created the NH Gratitude Givers; takes care of the Dover High School food pantry…just to name a few, Phew!

Podcast link coming soon…

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